Consumer Gothic:

Consumer Gothic
The first installment of consumer type company's discursive type project, This typeface was built as a critique of modern consumerisM.
Project Brief:
FEB 2025
Project Team:
Matt Vogel
Consumer Type Company's goal is to reappropriate the styles of typefaces historically used to promote the mass consumerist climate we live in today, for more ethical purposes. We strive to provide these reimagined typefaces for designers to be used in responsible and sustainable projects.
Consumer Type Co’s primary goal is to spread awareness on corporate greed and work to hold unethical producers accountable. Paid licenses and donations help support the design efforts and make it possible for this project and its message to grow.
Type Specimen

CTC Consumer Gothic is a Typeface inspired by the American gothic typefaces often used in food packaging and food marketing materials during the mid 20th century. It was during this time period that the foundation of modern consumerism was laid.

Cheapo's cereal

To present CTC Consumer Gothic and its message in a tangible design object format, CHEAPO'S was made.
CHEAPO'S is a fictional cereal brand with packaging that brings direct attention to the unethical business and marketing practices that Kellogg's and other major cereal brands are partaking in. This include Issues such as profiting off of supply chain slow downs during Covid, refusal to increase their minimum wages or pay their workers living wages, and using deceptive marketing to deceive their customers about the quality of their products.


The poster was designed to directly call back to the aesthetics that were common place within food marketing in magazines and posters during the mid century. "It's not just a breakfast cereal" is a play on one of Kelloggs own marketing campaigns to advertise one of their cereals as a 'healthier' option.

Printed books
A set of type specimen and process books were designed and printed to showcase the typeface and the research and development process that was involved in its creation.